I had been avoiding it on our trip, but I watched the news today….oh boy!!
What a bloody mess, too many angry people in too many places to mention, trouble and strife is rife, when are humans going to stop firing rockets and bombing the shit out of suburbs, murdering in the name of one god or another? So I surrender, give up in fact, and in the spirit of such; I decided to save a life tonight.
I spotted a Christmas beetle (so named because of its bright green exoskeleton) lying on its back slowly perishing on our doorstep without the strength to right itself. I pro-offered an index finger which it grabbed with great enthusiasm. I sat with my beetle all through sunset, and it seemed determined to hang onto my finger for the rest of its dear life. It dawned on me that the poor thing might need something to drink so I dabbed a drop of wine from my glass onto the table and placed my patient in front of it.
Worst Beetle ‘Selfie’ Ever
Sure enough it relished the nourishment. And yes, it got drunk. Silly me and silly beetle who started doing weird things with its legs and little somersaults of a kind. Pissed as a parrot… er beetle. I sat with him on my finger through his binge until he was right enough to cling to our bougainvillea which I bequeathed to him. All is well again in our Kamini valley… news forgotten.
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