Final Financial Edification
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Final Financial Edification

Once upon a Pub. Part 1
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Once upon a Pub. Part 1

About a Rat  
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About a Rat

Because of a Dog
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Because of a Dog

Kamini Harbor Revamp

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Kamini Harbor Revamp

No Flies on Me: Dirty Corner
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No Flies on Me: Dirty Corner

Chernobyl Special

I found this old photo taken in the Bahia bar. My silly way of lightening the Chernobyl crisis. At the...
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Chernobyl Special

Donkeys Uber Alles

Happy to be back in Greece after my first trip to the States since 2016. On Thanksgiving my sister in-law...
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Donkeys Uber Alles

Hydra finishes the season on a high note!

Credit due, quite literally! When the world is facing an unprecedented energy crisis as 2022 draws to a close, our...
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Hydra finishes the season on a high note!


Roger Green came up with a classic to describe the Rock's permanent inmates when the summer swarms drive local denizens...
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Creative Kamini

Creative Kamini

Alexis Averbuck

Alexis Averbuck, Hydra Island Greece

Painter and writer

Having relocated to Hydra in 2007, Alexis recent painting works to capture the specific luster of the island’s colors, moods, and natural environment. Learn more.

Alison Leslie Gold

Alison Leslie Gold


Award-winning author Alison Leslie Gold has published fiction, nonfiction, and journalism, as well as written for radio and television. She presently divides her time between New York City and Kamini, Hydra. Learn more.

Ann Rivers

Ann Rivers, poet, Hydra, Greece


Poet Ann Rivers has lived on Hydra for nearly four decades. Learn more and more.

Bill Pownall

Bill Pownell


English painter Bill Pownall has been living and working on Hydra for decades, transforming its scenery into a symbolic language in his abstract paintings and creating evocative landscape collages. Learn more and more.

Brice Marden

Brice Marden on Charlie Rose

PainterAmerican painter Brice Marden and his wife, Helen Harrington, first visited Hydra in 1971. Since, they have returned annually, and the island is said to have greatly affected Marden’s work. Learn more and more.

Charles Young

Charles Young


American novelist Charles Young lives part-time on Hydra. His novel Clouds over Hydra (1996) is set on the island. Learn more.

David Fagan

David Fagan returning to his African roots


David Fagan spent his formative years in Africa. After lunch on a Greek island day trip in 1983, he opted not to reboard the cruise boat but stayed, living and working on Hydra, pursuing his alternative lifestyle, publishing his first collection of stories about the island in 2003. Learn more.

David Irlam

David Irlam, sculptor and writer, Hydra, Greece

Sculptor and writer

David has been living on the Greek island of Hydra for over twenty years, during which time he has developed a keen interest in making items of art from the native Olive wood. Learn more.

Demetri Gassoumis

Demetri Gassoumis


Born of an Hydriot mother, Demetris Gassoumis splits his time between the island and the States. Hydra landscapes make up the vast majority of his painting, and he also makes stunning shadow sculptures out of white paper. Learn more.

Don Lowe

Don Lowe gives a reading


Don Lowe has spent the last four decades on the island and has penned multiple works of fiction. He often entertains the locals with readings from his writings. Learn more.



Update to come!

Jacqueline Savidge

Jacqueline Savidge, painter, Hydra, Greece


Jacqui came to live in Greece nearly 25 years ago. After living in Athens for two years she moved to Hydra, which has been her home and source of inspiration ever since. Learn more.

Iris Kharami

Iris Kharami


Descended from an old Hydriot family, the self-taught Iris Kharami has been painting for thirty years. She has had seven one-woman shows in Athens and two on Hydra, and her work captures island’s “grandeur and austerity.” Learn more.

Karolos Voutsinas

Karolos Voutsinas

Composer and pianist

Greek-English musician Karolos Voutsinas has enjoyed a successful career in Greece and internationally as a composer, arranger, pianist, and vocal performer, among a myriad other roles. He made Hydra his home in 2008. Learn more.

Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen

Writer and musician

Canadian poet, novelist, songwriter, and singer Leonard Cohen spent many years on Hydra, which features prevalently in or has otherwise influenced much of his writing. Learn more.

Mary Gladstone Painter

Mary Louise Coulouris

Mary Louise Coulouris, Hydra Island Greece

Painter and printmaker

Mary Louise is a printmaker, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Printmakers, painter, and public artist. Imagination, creativity, and design sense are central to her work. She spends most of the year on Hydra. Learn more.

Michael Lawrence

Michael Lawrence


Michael Lawrence has lived and worked on Hydra since 1992, painting landscapes and portraits, as well as whimsical interpretations of idea and experience, some inspired by the island itself. He exhibits annually at the Maria Mercuri Gallery on Hydra’s port. Learn more.

Michalis Maniatis

Michalis Maniatis

Writer and actor

Update to come!

Natacha Best

Natacha Best and Hart Porsche at Kamini's Varena Foundation


French watercolorist Natacha Best divides her time between Paris and Hydra, taking the landscape as the inspiration for most of her paintings. She has exhibited for more than twenty years throughout France, Spain, and Greece. Since 2006, she has served as vice president of Kamini’s Verena Foundation. Learn more.

Panayiotis Tetsis

Panayiotis Tetsis


One of Greece’s most eminent painters, Hydra-born Panayiotis Tetsis takes the island as inspiration for many of his land- and seascapes and still lifes. Learn more and more and more.

Pauline Keaney

Pauline Keaney in her studio


Pauline Keaney lives permanently on Hydra, whose landscape and scenery are sources of inspiration for her abstract paintings. Learn more.

Roger Green

Roger Green in Kamini, Hydra


English writer and poet Roger Green lives and works full-time in Kamini, regaling the locals with his parodic verse. Learn more and more.

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