FAIRWELL cruel world 😆

https://youtu.be/at5N5lNNy9Q?si=Hs_2QD3Rx8ljh1g5 Who would say no to allocating ten bucks out of their funeral budget as a thank you to Mother...
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FAIRWELL cruel world 😆

FAIRWELL cruel world Part 2

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FAIRWELL cruel world Part 2

About this Survival Nonsense

https://youtu.be/JmL5ln_ORG0?si=w0vGQ5c-pLbu_Rhd Self Marooned for life ♥️🇬🇷
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About this Survival Nonsense

What’s a 100 years ?

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What’s a 100 years ?

Island Dog-tails

Island Dog-Tails Imagine you are a rescue dog, initially saved off the streets of Porto Rico, and recently immigrated from...
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Island Dog-tails

Pointless Subjugation

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Pointless Subjugation

Why I’m not the Pope.

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Why I’m not the Pope.

About a Fish

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About a Fish

KISS. 2nd Part

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KISS. 2nd Part

KISS. 1st Part.

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KISS. 1st Part.

Mutters & Musings

A New Enemy in Town

Not to put a damper on the New Year, but a negative side effect from globalisation has recently invaded the Rock. Allegedly this scourge got its first foothold into Europe via Albania by stowing away on a Chinese Cargo ship back in 1989, and are now taking over the continent.

I first noticed the little bastards in Kamini last Fall while hanging out laundry on our terrace in the mid-afternoon; and could hardly believe my eyes. A Half a dozen of these parasites on my bare legs helping themselves to a late liquid lunch… mosquitoes in broad daylight!!!

A new breed of mini vampires fresh from Asia, and because of their distinctive black and white stripes are commonly called Tiger Mosquitoes.

Appropriately called Tiger

Be Advised… a new breed of bloodsucker is in town.

But here is the thing, not only do they raid around the clock, they itch like crazy, and in other parts of the world carry diseases like Yellow Fever. They do not need to breed larva in stagnant water, but merely near a water source. They are far more resilient to known anti-bug sprays and creams, and are said to be taking-over/wiping out the more docile nocturnal native mosquito. In short… nasty little buggers.

So not to over dramatise this pestilence, our friendly advice for visitors to Greece (and indeed almost all of the Med) this summer, pack both sun-block AND defensive anti mozzie chemistry.

For further in depth info…http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aedes_albopictus

Merry, Happy, Festive Whats-its…

Dimitra’s supermarket in Kamini is looking particularly festive this year, one could say almost Comet like. Somewhat of a different to the same tree that provides our shade at the Pirofani in summer.

Here’s wishing one and all a merry, happy, joyous, healthy holiday season and New Year; from the staff and management at the Kamini Comet, in other words Jennifer and myself.

Christmas Rhubarb?

Looking for a unique and humorous Christmas gift for the Hydra lover in your life?

Soft-back copies are available at SpeakOut Hydra and the Hydra Museum; you can also order online from CreateSpace or Amazon or download the Kindle edition from Amazon.

Rhubarb! A collection of affection anecdotes about life on Hydra

Rhubarb! A collection of affection anecdotes about life on Hydra

Not Cat-atonic…Yet!!

But on their way to being tranquilized by the visiting vets in Kamini as part of the ongoing spay and neutering program of HydraArk. Seventy-two successful operations in three days will certainly help the local street cats survive the winter without overpopulating and hence competing for the limited resources.

Kamini Late November 2013

Where else could one picture this?

Not an easy, or safe, task. Jennifer got a really nasty bite from a wild Tom who wasn’t too keen on having the ‘family jewels’ removed. Despite tetanus shots and anti biotics, a cat bite is very infectious.

The hazards of 'kitty duty'

Wearing gloves when grabbing wriggly toms is not practical even though it sounds obvious.


Theo’s Closing 2013

And it DIDN”T rain!!! A downpour to accompany the annual closing had become almost a given. Yet another memorable evening, this time Takis BBQ was cooked topless instead of under an umbrella. Below too, what had become part of the season-end tradtition our local bard Roger Green’s amuzing poem. Another first this time was that Theo himself was seen to be dancing, we didn’t capture the momentus event, so if anyone does have an historcal snap of our host wobbling about the dance floor feel free to pass it along. Thank you Theo for another great season. The photos we posted below are self explanitory (if a little blurry), usual suspects in ‘party-mode’ …








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