An enthusiastic parade, bigger than seen for years was appreciated at lunch time St Patrick and birthday parties at the Kontelania on a perfect Sunday afternoon These just a snippet of the participants.

All aboard

Lights please!

An accompanying school

All enjoyed....

Post Parade Applause

Later a St. Paddy envoy showed a little too larger than life
David Fagan is CEO, president, managing director, author, publisher, and chief bottlewasher of On his first visit to Hydra back in 1983, David decided that owning a bar in this exotic location was an ideal way not to spend the rest of his life in the fast-lane of corporate advertising and journalism. It was an idea spawned by the Honorable Bill Cunliffe of Bill’s Bar, renowned wateringhole for anyone who knew this part of the world at the time. He and a couple of old-timers, Anthony Kingsmill and Leonard Bernstein, planted the seed: Come!
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