Final Financial Edification
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Final Financial Edification

Once upon a Pub. Part 1
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Once upon a Pub. Part 1

About a Rat  
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About a Rat

Because of a Dog
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Because of a Dog

Kamini Harbor Revamp

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Kamini Harbor Revamp

No Flies on Me: Dirty Corner
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No Flies on Me: Dirty Corner

Chernobyl Special

I found this old photo taken in the Bahia bar. My silly way of lightening the Chernobyl crisis. At the...
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Chernobyl Special

Donkeys Uber Alles

Happy to be back in Greece after my first trip to the States since 2016. On Thanksgiving my sister in-law...
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Donkeys Uber Alles

Hydra finishes the season on a high note!

Credit due, quite literally! When the world is facing an unprecedented energy crisis as 2022 draws to a close, our...
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Hydra finishes the season on a high note!


Roger Green came up with a classic to describe the Rock's permanent inmates when the summer swarms drive local denizens...
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The Multipurpose Lemon

And oh-so-pretty

The Versatile Lemon

We discovered another novel use for the versatile lemon, a fruit found so prolifically in Kamini valley. Heard the old saw of making lemonade from lemons, well here is an additional function for the lemon just when you may have thought its usefulness was over. A delightful citric air-freshener.
Take one used, halved naturally, lemon and cut away the pith.
Cut hole or ‘chimney’ in the upper half.
Place one small standard candle in bottom and place ‘lid’.
An instant attractive table center piece or scented candle for the bathroom…
The things we do to amuse ourselves in February around here!

David Fagan
David Fagan is CEO, president, managing director, author, publisher, and chief bottlewasher of On his first visit to Hydra back in 1983, David decided that owning a bar in this exotic location was an ideal way not to spend the rest of his life in the fast-lane of corporate advertising and journalism. It was an idea spawned by the Honorable Bill Cunliffe of Bill’s Bar, renowned wateringhole for anyone who knew this part of the world at the time. He and a couple of old-timers, Anthony Kingsmill and Leonard Bernstein, planted the seed: Come!

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