What with heat wave, droughts, economic turmoil, a selection of riots and super mid summer boiled brain syndrome aspects in effect…. “Every Silver Lining has a Dark Cloud”. Jennifer Kelland-Fagan at lunch in 43c with ice that turned to water before a single glass of Small porridge was finished.. We have photos to prove this theory but also enough on our plate to know that opening cans of roasted worms is a recipe for further disaster.!!
Kalo Meltemi (really hot wind) and heat wave y’all… apo mazi mas.
Dear KC – As an annual Irish visitor to Hydra I went to swim off the rocks near Kamini this morning 14.7.12. I was horrified to see that the immediate off-shore waters were polluted by a fetid mix of plastic objects inc bags and bottles as well as other unidentifiable substances. There was also a lot of foamy scum which suggested a dumped chemical substance. This filthy pollution stretched from Kamini to Spilia. Upon enquiry, I discovered that residents at Kamini believe the culprits to have neen the occupants of a large grey coloured yacht that was anchored off Kamini harbour on the evening of 13.7.12. Unfortunately no-one I spoke to had photographed the vessel or noted any ID. I then reported the matter to Pan the Hydra harbour master and he confirmed that the yacht in question had not registered with him. I will leave the matter with the Kamini Comet in the hope that the culprits can be identified and reported to the relevant authorities.
—Sam Gibson
License to Drill
It was brought to our attention that apparently Bond, James Bond, is the new owner of the castle being constructed on our hill, and the cause of much noise.
As proven by this anonymously sent photo showing the ‘Adia” (official registration number for building permit) posted on site. As the secret service does not divulge details, the authenticity of this legal code number remains in doubt.
The noise maker
Thus far we have been mute about a matter that now has become a major gripe for the whole valley. At first we decided it was good policy not to complain about the new construction site on an adjacent plot for two reasons. First, it was generating much-needed work and income for a few local builders (and some immigrants to be sure). Plus, to be honest, it might have come across as sour grapes from a disgruntled neighbour who felt the disruption to privacy, view, and tranquility was an imposition (not to mention the constant whine of the compressor starting at daybreak and the drone of the drill boring incessantly into bedrock, spewing white dust and stone chips).
But we had been told the noise would stop before Paska, that our view would remain generally unaffected, and that the result would be an innocuous little spiti (house) built by a not-very-rich local.
So we sat mute, and listened, and listened, through Paska, through April, May, and now well into June. As an old friend here once said, “You can’t believe half the lies you hear around here.”
The local tavernas are being affected, and as far back as end February, renters of a house on the other side of Kamini Valley wanted a refund for noise disturbance. One must say that the jetlike compressor and the incessant drilling, akin to a root canal, have become an eye and ear sore for all its residents, not to mention detrimental to local income.
As one local put it succinctly, a taverna in the valley has been closed down three times in recent years for enclosing the outside dining area with a transparent-plastic wind-protecting awning in order to extend its season into November and to be able to open for Carnival in March. The reason stated was that the plastic violated the eco laws of Kamini Valley. Yet, it too would have extended labour and given the residents an option (the only one out of season) to go out for a meal.
Seems a little unfair. It’s a mystery how a license was granted to build a mansion that is seemingly in glaring breach of the eco laws, as a building this size never existed on this land before. One speculates about brown envelopes and friends in very high places. Others have gone so far as to say that it epitomizes the current situation in Greece. The fat cats are getting plumper on the backs of ever-scrawnier and poorer cats, steaming ahead with their own projects with little consideration for the rest.
Election day... no drill
"Mr. Bill," 1947 to 2011
The daughter’s of Bill Cunliffe, Kathy and Caroline will be holding a small memorial event in Vlichos on Tuesday the 1st of May to celebrate the life of one of the island’s most beloved characters “Mister Bill”. Friends and co inmates are welcome to attend. On the beach at 13.00hr, and for those who may be so inclined, an optional lunch afterwards at the Enalion taverna.