Scenes & Suspects (Photos)

Surf’s up

February was announced with a howl. Boats in our little harour had to be bailed, not just rain but sea water.

Surf's up

Not a day for canoeing, or catching any boat, anywhere.

Brown water rafting anyone?

What can almost be descibed as a flash flood, here is proof for those summer time visitors who may have wondered why we have such a “grand” canal running through our valley.
(Photos courtesy Brian Sidaway)

Kamini river

Impassable - a current strong enough to wash one away.

Brown port

An idea of how much erosion took place

Xappy 2011

Kamini was too tranquil so we decided to wander over to Hydra to see if there was much ‘happening’ in the mega-polis… There was.

Wishing on a fresh fish

Lots of New Year wishes being made… mainly for a small fish!!

Happy, Merry, Grand Christmas Greetings

Xronia Pola

May 2011 bring health and happiness

Wishing everyone a festive, Festive Season. May ’11 bring health and more. Dimitra’s cheerful little display at our local hypermarket sends just that… cheer!

Not Washed Out!

Pouring rain at Theo’s closing did nothing to dampen the spirit of the occasion—in fact, if anything, the novelty of the cloud burst generated a whole new atmosphere. Guests at the Pirofani closing took refuge under Dimitra’s adjacent shop awning, but even that was no guarantee of shelter from the spray.

Dancing, cooking, and celebrating the end of a long hot season in the rain was a memorable event. The only thing conspicuous by its absence was Roger’s annual closing poem as he had escaped the Rock a week prior.

We will miss our favourite character restaurateur and his menu, wish him well on his winter travels, and look forward to a grand opening in the spring.

Pirofani, Kamini, Hydra, October 2010

Cooking in the rain: Even Takis the 'chef' was having fun.

Kamini Rainstorm

Dancing in the rain, where tables noramlly stand.

Different dining in Kamini

The adjacent shop became the dining area

Fall showers on Hydra

Nici and Jennifer brought their own "roof"

Hydra, Kamini, flora

Talking to the flowers didn't stop the deluge!

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