Unofficial Kamini Property inspector: Okay, I’ll take your word for it about the inside.
Living on the island one becomes accustomed to being followed by the odd hopeful homeless kitty, or hounded by an optimistic stray street dog looking for a meal and couch to park upon. It is however odd to pick up a goat as a walking companion, who only wanted to come and inspect our terrace and have a curious poke around before leaving of its own accord.
Flowers inedible. Upgrade needed.
Great view. I think I can see my field from here.
Good job. Inspection passed. See about those flowers though.
David Fagan is CEO, president, managing director, author, publisher, and chief bottlewasher of On his first visit to Hydra back in 1983, David decided that owning a bar in this exotic location was an ideal way not to spend the rest of his life in the fast-lane of corporate advertising and journalism. It was an idea spawned by the Honorable Bill Cunliffe of Bill’s Bar, renowned wateringhole for anyone who knew this part of the world at the time. He and a couple of old-timers, Anthony Kingsmill and Leonard Bernstein, planted the seed: Come!
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